Ambassadors of the Holy Spirit Church is led by the Holy Spirit. It was founded on the 25th May 2019 following devine inspiration from the Holy Spirit.

We believe in prophesies through the Holy Spirit to build and guide the Church (1Corinthians 14 vs 4).  We test every spirit with the guidance of the Holy Spirit, “Beloved, do not believe every spirit, but test the spirits to see whether they are from God. For many false prophets have gone out into the world” (1John 4:1)

Our Mission & Vision

Our mission is to lead people to life fulfilment in Christ Jesus and for people to get saved. We are Jesus Christ’s ambassadors sent with his message of reconciliation to the world (2 Corinthians 5 vs 20).

Every individual who receives Jesus Christ as their personal saviour and Lord will have their sins forgiven to have eternal life (Matthew 3 vs 5-6 and John 17 vs 1-3).

As Jesus Christ’s ambassadors we reach out to the lost, the poor, the less privileged members of the society, widows, orphans and the broken hearted, thereby impacting revelation and knowledge of Jesus Christ through fellowship with God the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.

United Kingdom
Ambassadors of the Holy Spirit Church gathers together every Sunday. Our main church service is in Roby, Liverpool starting 14.00 hrs through to about 18.00 hrs. Its Holy Spirit led, uplifting and joyous. We gather together to celebrate and experience God’s love and transforming power in our lives. We do this through inspirational singing and through relevant and engaging messages based on the Bible. There is an opportunity to receive prayer at the end of the service. We would love for you to join us!

Service Times
Our Service is held every Sunday from 14:00hrs -18:00hrs
Men’s Fellowship; 14:30hrs – 16:30hrs Last Sundays of every month
Women’s Fellowship; 14:30hrs – 16:30hrs Last Satuardays of every month
Sunday School; 12:30hrs – 13:30hrs Every Sunday
Where ?
How do I get there? 


Court Hey Methodist Church

139 Roby Rd, Liverpool L14 3NU

United Kingdom